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發布時間:2021-07-23 11:07:35

A. Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone,

especially flint 是插入語,flint是前面的stone中的一種,they made especially tools of flint.

B. 有個女裝叫什麼stone

Ancient Stone 女裝品牌

C. ancient men made tools of stone. 句中為什麼是men而不是man


D. Stone Mining&Gold Mining

為房屋建築物的木材是難得的在文明首先引起的大多數的地方中。 巨大的森林就是在這些掌握乾燥的區域中沒有存在。 為通常的使用原理建材是泥成捆的新鈔票, 太陽弄乾的起先然後火烘焙。 在一些區域中,重要的當它是有效的時候,結構 , 像是寺廟,宮殿,墳墓和防禦工事石頭被建造。 遠古的關於很多的資訊埃及因為石頭的永久被保護。 美索不達米亞的等量結構進入在許多世紀的疏忽和風化後的土土墩之內倒塌。 經過成捆的新鈔票獲得非木材建築材料製造或挖出是石頭采礦的目標。

或許從小山和山被洗掉的黃金是第一個人類作實驗的金屬。 資訊科技是充份疲軟和純粹被為裝飾和交易進入美人的目標之內容易地形成。因為對它的要求繼續超過供應,所以當人口增加的時候,黃金的價值保持高。 因為這一個價值,黃金的蹤跡被向後地跟隨到沖積的礦塊根源。 黃金采礦被發展獲得礦從哪一純粹的金屬可能被吸取。 許多從古老生還的最美麗的目標是用黃金做成的,包括來自埃及的 Pharoah Tutankhamen 的數以百計項目's 墳墓。

E. ancient men made tools of stone.句中為什麼是men而不是man


F. ancient men made tools of stone. 句中為什麼是men而不是man


G. ancient怎麼讀


英 ['eɪnʃənt]

美 ['eɪnʃənt]

副詞: anciently

名詞: ancientness



用作形容詞 (adj.)

This is an ancient parable.


It's an ancient tale which appears in various guises in several languages.


This stone axe is a relic of ancient times.


We will all have a course in ancient history this term.


H. David Hawkes ---The story of the stone 的第40和41回

『We often play a game like this ourselves back home when we get together of an evening,』 said Grannie Liu,

『only the way we do it, it doesn』t sound so pretty as this. Howsomever. I don』t mind having a try.』

『It』s easy, really,』 said the others. 『Don』t worry about what it sounds like. Just say what comes naturally.』

Faithful began to lay.

『A pair of fours on the left, the Man.』

Grannie Liu was a good long while puzzling over this. Finally she said.

『Is it a farmer?』

The others roared with laughter.

『That』s all right,』 said Grandmother Jia reassuringly. 『That answer will do very well.』

『You young people shouldn』t laugh at me,』 said Grannie Liu to the others. 『I』m a countrywoman born and I
can』t help my country talk.』

『Green three, red four, contrasting colours,』 called Faithful.

『The fire burns up the caterpillars,』 said Grannie Liu.

『Why, so it might,』 said the others. 『Stick to your 「country talk」, Grannie, you』re doing fine!』

『Red four on the right and the ace is red,』 said Faithful.

『A turnip and a garlic-head.』

More laughter.

『 「That Flower」 those three together show,』 said Faithful.

『This flower will to a pumpkin grow,』 said the flower-bedecked ancient, gesturing with her hands to
demonstrate the size of the imagined pumpkin.

The following chapter will show how the party progressed.



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